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Viktor Frankl’s Theory Approach from Graphology and the Enneagram Essay Sample free essay sample

I think everyone was surprised less Enneagram professionals who saw Ratzinger extremely developed Six personality. If we combine the constructs of the two subjects that better survey any personality construction – Graphology and Enneagram – we can easy analyse this honest. brave and consistent measure of 265 ? Pope of the Catholic Church. As we can see from the samples. his script is little. phlegmatic. with important simplifications that make it indecipherable sometimes. His script is pastelike. with a weak force per unit area. connected with arcades and missing in dynamism beat. At times it reminds me the script of Charles de Foucauld. the extraordinary Gallic mystic. Father Moretti would state that the script of His Holiness involves two tendencies: the careful observation and the contradiction. As a graphological regulation we know that the smaller the size. the more item you put in focal point and hence the greater the mental attempt needed to unite them into a gestalt. The inside informations are so of import to a 6 personality. as for any topic with this sort of script: Figure prevails over the background. which makes losing the overall position. Joseph Ratzinger – as a good 6 with flying 5 – is non a lover of a strong progress since an efficient monitoring and intellectualisation of his emotions are his enneatype amalgam. His little script – the willingness to accommodate. to subordinate their developed 6 – joins the large emerging. the opposition to any alteration possible: his superego. Very different from John Paul II ( enneatype 1. splanchnic ) . Ratzinger is rational. a thought adult male. an erudite who was taken from his favourite desk to a topographic point he neer wanted to be: the throne of Peter. This is called Coherence and Relationship in Morettiana School. Consistency and relationship of a enneatypes 6 incorporate leting the self-importance to move wittingly. His authorship is perpendicular. prioritising the cerebral over the emotional country. This confirms its enneatype ( or is it frailty versa? ) belonging to the intellectual three. rational. â€Å"centerverted† . Is he communicative†¦ ? Very small. The motion is slowed. Stopped. Weak. The narrowness between words. the arcades †¦ speak of this deficiency. The enneatypes 6 have a low profile. really merely that – nevertheless – do non lose their differentiation. Fear is an built-in portion of the construction around 6. Ratzinger is non immune to this irresistible impulse. Two universes – internal and external – live in him. But like any healthy person is brave in supporting their beliefs and ideas: this leads him to lose the fright and travel frontward. Something really hard in the manner of the six’s integrating. The Holy Father is moving from duty. A Six eneatype affirms: â€Å"Semper facere rectum† ( â€Å"Always do the right things† ) . BENEDICTO SixteenA VIKTOR FRANKL’S THEORY APPROACH FROM GRAPHOLOGY AND THE ENNEAGRAM [ electronic mail protected ]/*http//www. juliocavalli. com. ArSe permite su uso citando La fuente He is brooding. thanks to his five wing. and like the 6 of his native Germany. Ratzinger speaks through his organic structure: steady and direct regard. with little zigzags derived from his frights and with a distinguishable air of lasting concern. On February 28 at 20 autopsy. Rome clip. the See of Peter will be vacant. Benedict withdraws from public life to a shutting convent. The Pope is isolated †¦ but non far. but in his interior universe. familiar and known. which gives security and support. basic desires of all 6 eneatypes. Not to gamble. non to eventuality. He goes to Castelgandolfo and so to a sector of the Vatican: something normal in all 6w5. Ratzinger is perfectly positive that can non go on his ministry. And he besides knows that there is no solution for it. Merely 6 in full visible radiation. with a high degree of development can take a determination as brave and expose it to the universe with the repose and peace that gives his point of integrating that is 9. A six destabilized goes into terror. A 6 developed work accordingly with strong belief and repose. He overcame frights. He expanded his freedom. He learned that offending some regulation is good and healthy. This degree of development that shows the Holy Father reminds me the Frankl’s expression of freedom. Magdalena Bleyle holds that there are four grades of freedom: the physical ( deterministic. natural. the nature itself ) as the migration of the sups ; the psychological freedom. the free will ; the rational freedom. harmonizing to a moral and ethical rule and eventually. ontological freedom developed by Viktor Frankl. What is Ontological Freedom? It is the measure that makes a six enneatypes ( and by extension all people. independently of each eneatype ) to get the better of the physical. psychological. societal or rational conditionings. going this manner. in an â€Å"unconditioned person† ( Frankl ) . If Ratzinger had followed in his ministry and as a consequence of his physical. psychological. societal or rational conditionings. his pastoral administration had declined. cipher would knock. would object to his actions. Alternatively. everyone would warrant and even would understand since all this escapes the will of the individual ; it is a logical and perfectly normal. But His Holiness takes a measure frontward. Makes usage of that ontological freedom that Frankl speaks. He uses the ontological force of freedom. the force of spiritualty: overcomes his frights. â€Å"what people say† . societal and rational conditionings and he renounces. He becomes a free and responsible human being maestro of his ain fate: â€Å"For this ground. and good cognizant of the earnestness of this act. with full freedom I declare that I renounce the ministry of Bishop of Rome. Successor of Saint Peter. entrusted to me by the Cardinals on 19 April 2005† When a 6 accepts his ain fright. is bespeaking a high grade of wellness and development. His deep consciousness grows and evolves. No affair if you are 30 or 85 old ages. Frankl called this â€Å"Psychonoetic antagonism† . the resistance module of the spirit to get the better of the fortunes imposed by any type of conditioning. Joseph Ratzinger knew oasis to get the better of the projection which obscures the shrewdness of the six’s. BENEDICTO SixteenA VIKTOR FRANKL’S THEORY APPROACH FROM GRAPHOLOGY AND THE ENNEAGRAM [ electronic mail protected ]/*http//www. juliocavalli. com. ArSe permite su uso citando La fuente His perceptual experience is right and although projections are perceptual experiences. they more reflect the subjective head than world itself. The Holy Father provides for the jobs his deficiency of energy ( 8 ) could convey to the Church and the universe. because as all 6 specializes in observing what may travel incorrect. in seeing the glass half empty: â€Å"Dear Brothers. I have convoked you to this Consistory. non merely for the three canonizations. but besides to pass on to you a determination of great importance for the life of the Church† . His script shows his decreased verve which greatly limits his activity and emotional development: â€Å"†¦Both strength of head and organic structure are necessary. strength which in the last few months. has deteriorated in me to the extent that I have had to recognize my incapacity to adequately carry through the ministry entrusted to me† For that ground. his stepping down – in an act of unusual bravery. of enormous bravery and bravery – has an infinite virtue.Happy the Pope that does non turn from his developed consciousness! Happy all of us that we can observe his illustration! Julio Cavalli[ electronic mail protected ]/*World Wide Web. juliocavalli. com. Ar Muestras de Escrituras BENEDICTO SixteenA VIKTOR FRANKL’S THEORY APPROACH FROM GRAPHOLOGY AND THE ENNEAGRAM [ electronic mail protected ]/*http//www. juliocavalli. com. ArSe permite su uso citando La fuente BENEDICTO SixteenA VIKTOR FRANKL’S THEORY APPROACH FROM GRAPHOLOGY AND THE ENNEAGRAM [ electronic mail protected ]/*http//www. juliocavalli. com. ArSe permite su uso citando La fuente Escritura de 1977 BENEDICTO SixteenA VIKTOR FRANKL’S THEORY APPROACH FROM GRAPHOLOGY AND THE ENNEAGRAM [ electronic mail protected ]/*http//www. juliocavalli. com. ArSe permite su uso citando La fuente Escritura de 1977 BENEDICTO SixteenA VIKTOR FRANKL’S THEORY APPROACH FROM GRAPHOLOGY AND THE ENNEAGRAM [ electronic mail protected ]/*http//www. juliocavalli. com. ArSe permite su uso citando La fuente Poema de 1952 BENEDICTO SixteenA VIKTOR FRANKL’S THEORY APPROACH FROM GRAPHOLOGY AND THE ENNEAGRAM [ electronic mail protected ]/*http//www. juliocavalli. com. ArSe permite su uso citando La fuente

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